Early summer vegetable growth management needs to keep up with

At present, vegetables enter the peak period of harvest, which is the season of harvesting and listing; the greenhouse vegetables in the greenhouse enter the flowering period, and the open-cropped vegetables begin to harvest, but it is also the high incidence period of vegetable pests and diseases in the protected areas. The main farming management of vegetable fields cannot be relaxed.

Facility vegetable management needs to be fine

At this time, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, sweet peppers, radishes, cabbage and other crops grown in the greenhouse have been harvested and matured. At this time, the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of the crops are carried out at the same time, which is a critical period requiring water and fertilizer, and it is particularly important to strengthen the field management.

Suitable growth environment

Although the temperature in early summer is high, it varies greatly. It is necessary to adjust the temperature and air humidity suitable for growth and development according to the external climate change and different crops. The physiological activity of cucumber is different from that of tomato and eggplant. Four-stage temperature regulation should be adopted. Cold-tolerant vegetables such as leaves and rhizomes should be kept in the air to avoid excessive night temperatures. Tomatoes, eggplants and other crops are kept at 40% to 50%; melon crops such as sweet peppers and cucumbers are 60% to 80%.

Strengthen watering and topdressing

According to the weather conditions, plant growth and soil conditions, watering and topdressing should be carried out. The topdressing should promote the integration of water and fertilizer technology, and it is advisable to apply the “Christmas tree” and other instant fertilizers with comprehensive nutrition and reasonable ratio with drip irrigation. It is necessary to pour water in small water, and the amount of water per acre is 8-10 cubic meters, avoiding flooding. 20 bags of carbon dioxide gas fertilizer per acre to increase indoor carbon dioxide concentration, improve photosynthesis efficiency, increase production and improve quality. Plant management

Timely management of hanging vines, vines, lofting, pruning and snoring, cucumbers and tomatoes use the method of continuous desolate to prolong the results of plants, and timely remove the lower yellow leaves, old leaves and diseased leaves; tomato in the first When the ear fruit grows to the green ripening stage, the lower leaves are destroyed, and the dark green leaves of the lower part of the cucumber are also destroyed in time to prevent the infection of downy mildew due to poor ventilation. Fruit management

It is necessary to strengthen the auxiliary pollination and flower thinning; tomato and eggplant adopt the natural pollination method to maintain the flavor and quality. The oscillating pollinator can be used to assist pollination, or 2 boxes of bumblebee can be used to assist pollination. Tomatoes should be sprayed with an oscillating pollinator or conditioner when each flower is opened for 3 to 4 flowers per flower. If the flowers are sprayed when 1 or 2 flowers are opened, the fruit will only be 1-2 and affect the yield. . Remove excess flowers and fruits early. Cucumber does not need artificial aided pollination to form a melon, and it is forbidden to use hormones to promote the expansion of young melon.

Fruit harvested in time after ripening

It can not only improve the rate of goods, but also prevent the fruit from falling and affecting the plant's continued results. It is advisable to harvest it every morning.

Open field thermostat crop planting

The cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and pumpkins planted in the open field are suitable for planting in a timely period. It is necessary to select the “cold tail warm head” for sunny planting. The temperature is stable at 10°C for five days and the temperature is stable at 13°C for 10 centimeters. the above. To apply organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, apply 4000 kg of decomposed fine-grained high-quality organic fertilizer or 3,000 kg of bio-organic fertilizer per acre, two-thirds of which are evenly laid before the cultivated land, and one-third of it is applied near the root of the crop. It is necessary to finely level the ground, to achieve the leveling, flattening, and straightness without sloping; to perform low-temperature "smelting" on the seedlings 5 ​​to 7 days before planting to enhance the adaptability of the seedlings to the post-planting environment; The depth is the same, in which tomato and eggplant should be deeply planted, covering more than 2 to 3 cm above the nursery; cucumber, pumpkin, melon and other melon crops should be planted shallowly, and the soil should be level with the nursery.

High temperature heat management

Generally, high temperature occurs in July and August. Under strong sunlight, the transpiration of plants is sharply enhanced, which leads to the phenomenon of “sunburn”, “falling flowers and fruit”, “male sterility” and “slim growth”. In addition, the temperature is too high, pollen dysplasia in addition to causing "falling flowers and fruit", it will also cause deformed fruit. High temperature also affects the formation of lycopene in tomato fruit. When the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, lycopene is difficult to form, and the color of the fruit is poor, which affects the quality.

The defensive measures for high-temperature heat damage in summer should be properly pre-sown and colonized for the fruits and vegetables that are warm, and promote the growth of branches and leaves in the seedling stage to alleviate the harm of sunburn to the fruit. Timely irrigation is best done by sprinkling irrigation or deep well watering. It can be cooled by evaporation and cooling. The time of watering should be good in the morning or evening. Do not water the water in the afternoon. The solanaceous fruit can be stained with 2,4-D to prevent falling flowers and fruit. In addition, it can also be used for food and vegetable intercropping, such as high-stalk corn and sweet pepper, potato and other vegetable interplants can play the purpose of shading and cooling. You can also choose heat-resistant vegetables such as melon, loofah, kidney beans and leeks. This can avoid and reduce the damage of high temperature on the growth of vegetables, and can also alleviate the problem of lack of vegetables in the off-season due to high temperature.

Rainy day, yellow leaves should pay attention

Symptoms such as yellow leaves, small leaves, falling flowers and fruit drop are related to deficiency, and this phenomenon is spreading year by year. After expert analysis, there are mainly the following reasons.

First, there are more cloudy days. More cloudy days, lower temperatures lead to vegetable root injury, affecting the absorption of nutrients, showing symptoms of deficiency. In addition, even the lack of light in the cloudy day, resulting in crop malnutrition, carbohydrates can not be converted, the leaves are thicker and smaller, the roots (especially the root tip) are injured, brown, no new roots. If the management of large fertilizers is carried out at this time, there will be more roots in vegetables, and nutrition will not be absorbed normally. Vegetables will inevitably suffer from deficiency. At this time, spraying foliar fertilizer is the most effective solution.

Second, the application of trace elements should not be used. In order to pursue high yields, some vegetable farmers have applied a large amount of fertilizer to the greenhouse, and neglected the application of trace elements, resulting in a general increase in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, and insufficient trace elements. Some vegetable farmers use excessive amounts of micronutrient fertilizers. Because of antagonism, roots absorb other elements and are inhibited, thus showing symptoms of deficiency.

Third, the concentration of soil solution in the shed is too high. Due to the large-scale use of chemical fertilizers by vegetable farmers, the concentration of soil solution is too high, the roots of plants are poorly developed, and sufficient nutrient supply can not be absorbed to grow plants, and the plants show deficiency.

Fourth, prevention is inappropriate. Some vegetable farmers see that the leaves of vegetables are yellow, they are considered to be lack of fertilizer, so they apply a lot of chemical fertilizers, and the results are counterproductive, leading to more and more serious vegetable deficiency. Therefore, the farmers should be given more guidance to distinguish the symptoms of various deficiency.

High quality and high yield cultivation measures of leek

Amaranth, also known as horseshoe grass, water sunflower, is a perennial perennial water herb of the Nymphaeaceae family. Its edible part is the young shoot and the primary leaf. Because of its tender texture, green color, and a lot of transparent gelatin, the leek is delicious and has a unique flavor. Its high quality and high yield cultivation measures:

Cultivating strong seedlings is the key to high quality and high yield of spinach. Seedlings adopt both asexual and sexual methods, generally using asexual reproduction, also known as stem plant breeding. Choose soil thick mud, rich humus content, but the silt is not deep in the field to make a seedbed, arrange the seedbed, base soil to apply enough, seedbed with good base fertilizer, set up plastic scaffolding, use the development of wintering dormant buds The plant was inserted obliquely on the seedbed and covered with a plastic film. After the vegetative strain has grown to a certain length, it is colonized to a depth.

The cultivation of high-yield cultivated fields of amaranth is an important measure for high-quality and high-yield amaranth. Amaranth is warm and wet, and the growth and development process requires suitable strength, clarification of water quality, fertile subsoil and other environmental conditions. Planting plots should be selected in areas where there is no industrial pollution, and can be filled with fields that are not watery throughout the year. First of all, it is necessary to reinforce the formed field shovel, which is 1 meter deep, so as not to leak water, and to build a good irrigation and drainage raft; the second is to cultivate a thick layer of soil in the field. The fertile and loose soil is required to be 10-14 cm, containing 2-3% of the body and PH4-6. Each mu is used for 1500 kg of decomposed piled manure or 1500 kg of cooked beef and sheep manure, 50 kg of decomposed cake fertilizer and 20-25 kg of compound fertilizer as base fertilizer; the third is disinfection and sterilization. The cultivation field is disinfected with copper sulfate, grass ash, snail, rapeseed cake, etc.; fourth, chemical weeding is adopted. Before the transplanting of amaranth, the crop was cultivated once with a spray of 25 kg of di-potassium tetrachloride 150-200 g of water.

Transplant at the right time. Amaranth can be planted all year round, especially in the spring before germination, the highest survival rate, but also harvest that year. It is usually the best time from late March to mid-April. At the time of transplanting, the seedlings were cut into 2-3 sections per section, and the plants were planted with a hole, one hole per hole, and the hole distance was 30 cm. The plants were inserted into the oblique water.

Tomato disease prevention and treatment

Physiological leaf

Symptoms of the disease. In the growing season, it often occurs. Most of the first fruit branches first occur. Sometimes the whole plant will suddenly develop disease. The leaves are curled, shrunk, tubular, and become brittle, causing the fruits to be directly exposed to sunlight and affecting fruit expansion. Etiology: In the greenhouse cultivation, physiological curling is easy to occur in the middle and late growth stages, especially in the vents, the curl is often heavier, mainly in the case of high temperature, dry weather, and can not timely replenish water, the leaf transpiration is strengthened, as its own regulation The pores are closed, causing the leaves to curl and gather.

The law of onset. Mainly related to soil, irrigation and management. When the temperature is high or the field is short of water, the tomato closes the stomata, causing the leaves to gather or curl and appear physiologically curled.

Control method. 1. Anti-drought exercise after planting. 2. Formulated fertilization method to ensure the right amount of fertilizer, and ensure sufficient water in the upper soil. 3. Cover the cultivation with a shade net. 4. Do a good job of pruning in time. 5. Use resistant varieties, such as Zaofeng, etc., while Beijing No. 10, early Kui leaf is heavy. 6. Proper use of plant hormones. 7. Control mites in time.

Daily burn disease

It is a symptom. It mainly occurs on the fruit, especially the shoulder is prone to sunburn. The diseased part is shiny, like a transparent leather. It turns white or yellow-brown spots, sometimes wrinkles, shrinks after hardening and shrinks, and the flesh turns brown. When the surface of the diseased part is infected by pathogenic bacteria, it grows black mold or rots. When the leaves are sunburned, the chlorophyll fades, and some of the leaves become bleached, eventually turning yellow and dead, or the leaves are dead.

The characteristics of the disease. When the fruit is swollen, the weather is dry, the soil is dehydrated, the fruit is exposed to strong light, the temperature of the peel is increased, the water is consumed by evaporation, and the temperature of the fruit surface is too high and burned. It usually occurs on the sunny side of the fruit.

Control method. 1. Choose varieties with lush foliage.

2. Watering in time to reduce plant temperature can avoid sunburn.

3. Add organic fertilizer to improve soil water retention performance. Timely pruning and forking to promote plant growth, flourishing branches and leaves, reducing the direct sunlight of the sun.

4. High temperature season fruit surface spray 0.5% copper sulfate or zinc sulfate, or 27% high fat film emulsion 80-100 times liquid to improve the heat resistance of the plant.

Eggplant temperature requirements

Eggplant is warm and heat resistant. The temperature of fertility is about 25 °C, slow growth below 20 °C, basically stop growing below 15 °C; through low temperature exercise, short-term (within 48 hours) minimum temperature of 3 °C; maximum temperature of 38 °C. Assimilation is most suitable for temperature 20~25°C; studies have shown that when the night temperature is 17°C, the higher the daytime temperature, the shorter the flowering time, but the less robust flowers; when the daytime temperature is 25°C, the nighttime The higher the temperature, the shorter the time to flower, and the fewer the flowers. This means that it is best only when the daytime temperature and nighttime temperature are close to 25 °C.

Eggplant seed germination is most suitable for 28-30 °C; seedling period minimum temperature should not be lower than 15 °C, not higher than 33 °C, otherwise it will affect flower bud differentiation; flowering period 25 ° C during the day, 17 ° C at night is best.

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